
Testimonial from Ben Taylor


I cant speak enough about the last few days, and it has certainly been the topic of conversation in the office this morning. The course has made a huge impression on me, and I already feel a sense of empowerment just thinking about it. I was buzzing when I got home last night ( 8 pm ) and for some reason felt a massive wave on confidence about me.

To say that the course has inspired and motivated me, is probably an understatement and have already been into the client area this morning to continue the momentum. So, thank you........we'll certainly be selling it to our colleagues. What's interesting, and I know you appreciate feedback, is that during the two days, I made very few notes, have not been given a glossy handbook to review material, but have remembered and taken more on board than any other course I've attended.

I feel it, if that makes sense. This actually made an impact on me and without doubt, has already made me think differently and look at my approach. So, thanks again, and look forward to seeing you at the end of the month..... Fair play, lots of respect!

Ben Taylor, Sales Manager
BT plc

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